How to post an advert
  1. Register/Login
  2. Click Post New Advert
  3. Select sub category under category of your choice
  4. Fill in (title, price, location,telephone, email,description, etc)
  5. Upload up to 8 photographs (to remove a photograph after uploading it just click on it)
  6. Click on save

How to edit an advert

  1. Login
  2. Click on My Dashboard
  3. Click on View My Ads
  4. Click on the edit icon  on the top right of the advert you want to edit
  5. Editor either (title, price, location,telephone, email or description)
  6. Save Changes

Hopefully, all transactions go smoothly. If a transaction does go wrong, though, there are a few ways to handle it.

  1. Please try to work out disputes through email/phone/etc. before complaining about them publicly/
  2. Report the issue to a moderator.  If you've been scammed or cheated by someone, report the advert or use the contact form to send a message to the our team. We will review the situation and take appropriate action, removing the offending member from the community if appropriate.